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Our powerful diet supplements are made of only the finest natural ingredients available. They are formulated to provide energy boosts, suppress cravings, and burn fat. Most importantly, they're EASY to add to your day - just take two in the morning!

Products That
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When we released Healthe Trim 4 years ago, the positive reaction that we got from folks assured us that we were on the right track - providing high quality dietary supplements.

We know we've changed people's lives, we have hundreds of testimonials from people that have lost weight. Since then, we've sold over 1 million bottles of Healthe Trim. Every bottle we've ever sold had a 30 day money back guarantee.

You have nothing to lose but the weight.

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Lee Mitchell weight loss testimonial before and after photos

Lee Mitchell

Clawson, MI

After hearing about Mojo's success with Healthe Trim on Channel 95.5 here in Detroit, I decided I had to try it after reaching my highest weight ever at 268 lbs. I have always battled my weight and tried different diets but have never been able to keep it off and I figured with the money back guarantee I had nothing to lose.*
Emily York weight loss testimonial before and after photos

Emily York

Phoenix, AZ

My name is Emily. I'm a twenty-nine-year-old mother of three. After my first daughter, I gained 60 pounds in a year and learned I had thyroid disease, a condition that not only meant I would gain weight it also meant it would be difficult to lose weight. As the years went by, pounds piled on, and as I tried all the diet plans and pills and shakes with no success.*
Meagan Merwin weight loss testimonial before and after photos

Meagan Merwin

Atlanta, GA

I hit my heaviest weight over a year ago. At 23-years-old I was 5'5" and weighed 205 lbs. I have always been overweight, but I had never realized just how much I had let myself go. My biggest goal in life has always been to go to medical school, but I knew that no one would ever take me seriously as a doctor if I was overweight and unhealthy.*
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Hoodia is a genus of 13 species in the flowering plant family Apocynaceae, under the subfamily Asclepiadoideae. They are stem succulents... read more.
Green tea is tea made solely with the leaves of Camellia sinensis that have undergone minimal oxidation during processing. Green tea... read more.
Garcinia Cambogia is a natural form of Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA) which can inhibit Citrate Lyase (an enzyme in cells). Citrate Lyase... read more.
Resveratrol is a phytoalexin produced by plants with its highest concentration in grape skins and red wines. This nutrient is working to boost... read more.
Caralluma fimbriata is a succulent plant in the family Apocynaceae. It has been eaten in rural India for centuries, raw, as a vegetable with... read more.
Coixseed (also known as Job's Tears) is a tall grain-bearing tropical plant of the family Poaceae (grass family) native to East Asia and... read more.
Raspberry Ketone is an enzyme obtained from red raspberries. This is what gives the berries their sweet smell. Research has shown their... read more.
Green tea is tea made solely with the leaves of Camellia sinensis that have undergone minimal oxidation during processing. Green tea... read more.
Garcinia Cambogia is a natural form of Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA) which can inhibit Citrate Lyase (an enzyme in cells). Citrate Lyase... read more.
Lotus Leaf, better known as the Water Lily, is considered sacred in Asian religions for its ability to stay dry and clean. When water... read more.
Chromium has been touted a miracle mineral, one advertised to have myriad effects including weight loss, mood enhancement, energy... read more.
Satiereal saffron extract has been referred to as a “miracle appetite suppressant” and a recent study conducted by Biomedical and Global... read more.
They key ingredient in the green coffee bean is a very important natural active compound called chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid works by inhibiting the release of glucose in the body, while at the same time boosting the metabolism or the “burning” of fat in the liver. These two mechanisms work together to inhibit the absorption of fat and eliminate weight gain.
Satiereal saffron extract has been referred to as a “miracle appetite suppressant” and a recent study conducted by Biomedical and Global Clinical Solutions titled, Satiereal, a Crocus sativus L extract, reduces snacking and increases satiety in a randomized placebo-controlled study of mildly overweight, healthy women showed promising results.

Hoodia Gordonii
Hoodia gordonii is a leafless spiny succulent plant with medicinal uses. It grows naturally in South Africa and Namibia. Hoodia gordonii was discovered and painted by Col. Robert Jacob Gordon in the vicinity of the Orange River in about 1779, and identified as a Stapelia, a closely related genus.

The use of Hoodia has long been known by the indigenous populations of Southern Africa, who infrequently use these plants for treating indigestion and small infections. However, it is their centuries old use of the meat of the plant to suppress appetite when making long hunting trips in the Kalahari Desert that has stimulated the most interest.

In 1977, the South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) isolated the ingredient in Hoodia—now known as P57—which is responsible for its appetite-suppressant effect, and patented it in 1996. The CSIR then granted United Kingdom-based Phytopharm a license, and they collaborated with the pharmaceutical company Pfizer to isolate active ingredients from the extracts and look into synthesizing them for use as an appetite suppressant.

Green Tea Leaf Extract
Green tea is tea made solely with the leaves of Camellia sinensis that have undergone minimal oxidation during processing. Green tea originates from China and has become associated with many cultures in Asia from Japan and South Korea to the Middle East. Recently, it has become more widespread in the West, where black tea is traditionally consumed. Many varieties of green tea have been created in countries where it is grown. These varieties can differ substantially due to variable growing conditions, processing, and harvesting time.

Over the last few decades green tea has been subjected to many scientific and medical studies to determine the extent of its long-purported health benefits, with some evidence suggesting that regular green tea drinkers have lower chances of heart disease and developing certain types of cancer. Green tea extract rich in polyphenols and caffeine has been shown to be useful for "weight management", since it induces thermogenesis and stimulates fat oxidation.

Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia Cambogia is a natural form of Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA) which can inhibit Citrate Lyase (an enzyme in cells). Citrate Lyase is needed for the conversion of carbohydrates into fat. In the cell, carbohydrates are broken down into citrate compounds, which are then converted by Citrate Lyase into another compound: Acetyl Coenzyme A, the metabolic building block for fat synthesis. Garcinia inhibits fat production and also suppresses appetite.

Harvard researchers may have found a way to counter the negative effects of a high-calorie diet loaded with trans fats. And it's done using one of natures finest products - grapes. This flavonoid (resveratrol) found in red grape skins, may soon become one of the most prized molecules on earth. It is so tiny that it penetrates the wall of almost any cell in an organism. It continues into the cell nucleus, to the cell's genetic machinery. There, resveratrol selectively switches on genes that aid the survival of an organism.

HOW IT WORKS: Mitochondria are the little furnaces inside the nucleus of your cells that burn nutrients and fats into energy. Unfortunately, as we age, our mitochondria begin to deteriorate and our metabolism begins to slow. The good news is that resveratrol increases mitochondria production.

Resveratrol has also proven to be a highly effective antioxidant in regenerating skin cells and slows down or stops the free-radical induced aging of the skin.

Caralluma Fimbriata
Caralluma fimbriata is a succulent plant in the family Apocynaceae. It has been eaten in rural India for centuries, raw, as a vegetable with spices, or preserved in chutneys and pickles, and is often found as a roadside shrub or boundary marker.

It has been used as a portable food and thirst quencher for hunting. It is also used for its purported ability to suppress hunger and appetite and enhance stamina. It is believed to have an effect on the appetite control centre of the brain. Tribesmen on a day's hunt will often only pack some Caralluma fimbriata to sustain themselves and hence it is commonly known as "famine food" in India.

Coix Seed
Job's Tears (Coix lacryma-jobi), Coixseed, adlay, or adlai, is a tall grain-bearing tropical plant of the family Poaceae (grass family) native to East Asia and peninsular Malaysia but elsewhere cultivated in gardens as an annual. It has been naturalized in the southern United States and the New World tropics. In its native environment it is grown in higher areas where rice and corn do not grow well. Job's Tears is also commonly, but misleadingly, sold as Chinese pearl barley in Asian supermarkets, despite the fact that C. lacryma-jobi are not of the same genus as barley (Hordeum vulgare).

Two varieties of the species are grown. Coix lacryma-jobi var. lacryma-jobi has hard shelled pseudocarps which are very hard, pearly white, oval structures used as beads for making rosaries, necklaces, and other objects. Coix lacryma-jobi var. ma-yuen is harvested as a cereal crop and is used medicinally in parts of Asia. It is also used alongside other herbs in traditional Chinese medicine.

Raspberry Ketone
Raspberry Ketone is an enzyme obtained from red raspberries. This is what gives the berries their sweet smell. Research has shown their amazing fat burning capacity. Raspberry Ketone has already been regarded as the “new fat burning berry”.

Lotus Leaf
Lotus Leaf, better known as the Water Lily, is considered sacred in Asian religions for its ability to stay dry and clean. When water drops on the leaf, it beads up and rolls off the waxy surface, washing away dirt. Scientists have worked to mimic its water-repellent, self-cleansing properties. The surface of the Lotus Leaf is not perfectly smooth, but rather porous much like that of a sponge. The air trapped in the crevices prevents water from adhering to the solid.

Chromium has been touted a miracle mineral, one advertised to have myriad effects including weight loss, mood enhancement, energy promotion and increase in life span. The most common usage for chromium picolinate is as a weight loss aid; claims that this supplement can melt fat, drastically reduce appetite and increase metabolism.

Satiereal saffron extract has been referred to as a "miracle appetite suppressant" and a recent study conducted by Biomedical and Global Clinical Solutions titled, Satiereal, a Crocus sativus L extract, reduces snacking and increases satiety in a randomized placebo-controlled study of mildly overweight, healthy women showed promising results.
Healthe Trim has swept the nation, and many individuals are getting High School Skinny as a result. You may have heard about us on the radio or from a friend, and now you’re wondering what Healthe Trim can do for you.

Healthe Trim is a natural weight loss supplement that fits into any lifestyle. With all natural ingredients and clinically proven results, Healthe Trim equips your body to maximize weight loss. You’ll look and feel great in no time!

How Does Our Natural Weight Loss Supplement Work?

Healthe Trim makes losing weight simple. Imagine dieting without counting calories. Healthe Trim is clinically proven to promote weight loss. Naturally, healthy eating and exercise can improve results significantly.

The secret to Healthe Trim’s success is it contains a proprietary blend of natural ingredients. These ingredients work together to curb your appetite and increase your energy, so that eating less and enjoying a more active lifestyle will come naturally.

Proven Results and Testimonials for our Natural Weight Loss Supplements

Clinically proven to produce results, the best evidence of Health Trim’s effectiveness is success our customers have achieved using our product. Even celebrities are getting in on the action! Courtney Mazza, girlfriend of actor Mario Lopez, used Healthe Trim to get back her pre-pregnancy body, and ended up in better shape than she had been before! Popular radio personalities across the country have gotten fit with Healthe Trim, and the walls of our office are lined with the overjoyed letters of men and women who have lost weight and regained their confidence using Healthe Trim.

Nothing to Lose But Extra Weight!

Healthy Trim is perfectly safe and all-natural. It can help you achieve your weight loss goals and gain the body you’ve always wanted, whether you need to lose ten pounds or over fifty. We are so confident in our natural weight loss supplement that we even offer a thirty day money back guarantee. What are you waiting for? Becoming high school skinny is only a phone call away!

Call 888-456-TRIM to get started!